I’ve been enjoying the sunshine, and enjoying my oldest daughter’s good mood over the last two days.  I’m not going to say that the handful of changes we’re trying with her is doing anything BIG.  I am really just enjoying the moment.  The truth is…it is almost painful for me to imagine what it would be like if she could be like this long term.  I’ve longed for that and prayed for it for years now.  Yes, I can say years, because it’s been that long.  But, I know better (at least in this situation to put my hope into anything, but Christ.)  I don’t draw my source of strength from anything in this world.  My hope is eternal.  BUT! 🙂  How wonderful it would be to see my daughter feeling better.  Oh how that would affect her and how that would affect the rest of our family.  Sigh…but I shouldn’t let my thoughts linger here too long.