The Lord blessed us with a day away! 🙂  We traveled a couple of hours and visted the zoo.  We like this particular zoo we went to, as with six kids…it was just right to walk thru and in about 3 hours.  Even then, we were rushed, but we got there a bit later than we anticipated.  All of our kids did well.  Our oldest had very few issues.  Her main issues were during supper.  She was of course, tired, but it all delt with her tummy.  Our three year old certainly did display her stubborn streak thru out the day a bit.  Oh she was happy enough…she just had selective hearing.  But, all in all, the day went well.  We were so thankful for G& G’s help as well!!  We, of course, took too many pictures.  Some really sweet ones 🙂  I will share a few more as I have the time.  Here is one of the entire family.

My crew at the zoo!